
Clean Technologies

Types of Cleantech

Cleantech or Climate tech, as they are referred to in short, is expected to be the next big wave...

Cleantech or Climate tech, as they are referred to in short, is expected to be the next big wave after the internet business. These technologies essentially help the world move away from fossil fuels, to enter Sustainable Energy Era. From laboratory stage, these Technologies are making significant strides towards becoming commercially viable. To make it easy for you, these technologies can be categorized as follows, based on the type of fuel used or application. 1. Transportation 2. Power generation 3. Building and construction 4. Agriculture or Food 5. Energy storage 6. Circularity (mainly waste conversion and recycling) 7. Carbon capture and storage 8. Land use and related 9. Water management 10. Tools & devices Including Digital 11. Financial services & Carbon credits and 12. Lifestyle products / services. There are technologies like bio fuels and green hydrogen which have made significant progress towards becoming commercially viable. Of course, technologies like nuclear fusion power, hyperloop transportation, geo thermal energy etc. are still at a nascent stage. To conserve land, there are also technologies like floating solar parks or wind farms, solar power concentrators etc.
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Apex Panel

The Chair

Chandrasekhar Padmasola

Chief Carbon Warrior

Viiveck Verma

Chief Incubation Warrior

Ramana Prasad Alam

Chief Sectoral Warrior - Energy Storage

Manohar Reddy

Chief Sectoral Warrior - IT Products

Sharad Saxena

Chief Sectoral Warrior - Renewable Energy

Vivek Tuljapurkar

Chief Product Warrior


Chief Warrior - Transaction Advisory

Kishore Nuthalpati

Chief Finance Warrior

Gazala Shaikh

Chief Sustainability Warrior

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