
Climate Change Facts

Carbon - Neutrality and Net - Zero

Over the past several decades, the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere...

Over the past several decades, the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere has been steadily increasing that traps extra heat near the surface and causes average global temperatures to rise, leading to global warming. This is why the greenhouse gases must be in check constantly. Flash floods, wild fires, severe droughts, untimely rainfalls and storms, melting of polar ice, rise in the sea levels etc. are all effects of the rise in global temperature. These extreme weather conditions are the first symptoms of the climate change effects in short term. The effects can be more devastating affecting human lives worldwide and the world economy too, as the problem balloons further. Data of world’s carbon emissions in 2022 stand at a historical high of around 36.8 billion metric Tons, which is growing rapidly year after year. These carbon emissions have tendency to stay in the atmosphere for long years. Countries with highest carbon emissions in the world are USA, China, India, Russia and Japan. Every individual damages the climate significantly more than what we assume. We often think the troublemakers are on the other side of the planet. You will realize you too add to it. You can calculate your carbon footprint of your family or of the enterprise you own. This link to calculator is below on the site. We must step up to see how we can make higher impact towards making the world carbon-neutral and net-zero. Renewable Energy through Solar and Wind farms are good but do not reduce immediate carbon emissions. Buying Carbon credits to offset is still not addressing the elephant in the room; Reducing the immediate carbon emissions is the need of the day. World needs more and more startups working on breakthroughs to replace fossil fuels. Each material that replaces a fossil fuel, will have a spiral-up effect in reducing carbon emissions, year after year. Only then, a carbon-neutral world can be a reality. A Tribe Of Professionals, Clean-techs & Investors. 'Come, Join the tribe. Let's Fight Carbon emissions, Together. Global Carbon Warriors; A Tribe Of Professionals, Cleantechs & Investors.'
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Greenhouse Gases are not Green

Ever wondered why so called Green House gases are not Green? Global temperature has risen by around 1.2 degree Celsius. It is close to the ...

Ever wondered why so called Green House gases are not Green? Global temperature has risen by around 1.2 degree Celsius. It is close to the tipping point of 1.5 degree Celsius. Crossing the tipping point is going to be catastrophic. The average global temperature is generally supposed to be maintained around 15 °C (59 °F), ideally. However, it has been rising more dramatically last few years and recording some of the world’s warmest years. Major greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane , nitrous oxide, ozone, Chlorofluorocarbons and Hydrofluorocarbons. Without greenhouse gases Earth’s temperature would have been sub-zero. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, is a long-lived greenhouse gas that can persist in the atmosphere for centuries and thereby contributes to overall warming of the planet. Carbon emissions are constantly on the rise due to several reasons, among which burning of fossil fuels remain the main reason. We still depend on fossil fuels for around 80% of World's energy needs. Within a certain threshold, greenhouse gases can be beneficial because they trap heat radiation from the sun on the Earth's surface, thereby keeping it warm. This effect is called greenhouse effect, without which Earth’s temperature would be below freezing point. However, if the temperature rises beyond a certain point, the rate of water evaporation from the surface increases. This results in a higher concentration of water vapor in the lower atmosphere, which can absorb and emit infrared radiation back to the surface. This leads to an intensified greenhouse effect. That's why Green House Gases are not Green beyond a limit. Come, Join the tribe. Let's Fight Carbon emissions, Together. Global Carbon Warriors; A Tribe Of Professionals, Cleantechs & Investors.
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Apex Panel

The Chair

Chandrasekhar Padmasola

Chief Carbon Warrior

Viiveck Verma

Chief Incubation Warrior

Ramana Prasad Alam

Chief Sectoral Warrior - Energy Storage

Manohar Reddy

Chief Sectoral Warrior - IT Products

Sharad Saxena

Chief Sectoral Warrior - Renewable Energy

Vivek Tuljapurkar

Chief Product Warrior


Chief Warrior - Transaction Advisory

Kishore Nuthalpati

Chief Finance Warrior

Gazala Shaikh

Chief Sustainability Warrior

Carbon Calculator

All others damage climate. Not you. You think so?

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