
How Much to Invest?

Carbon offset cost?

It’s time the world has to make a choice. Should the countries spend more in defense against invasions ...

For the cost of climate change or the damage due to its impact, the statistics reveal that in the last decade alone the damage was close to a trillion dollars. That’s more than the GDP of many small countries, talking of only economic loss. If you add the angle of human suffering and loss of lives, it is heart-wrenching. So, what happens if we leave the world without any action? Cost of climate inaction is more expensive. The cost of climate inaction is estimated to be a tune of 70 trillion dollars, in case the world doesn’t respond with any climate action. However, we don’t need to worry. The world has made some encouraging progress in combating the climate change in last few years, but it is not enough. Finally, to know the cost of climate action, to offset the carbon emissions, we have to understand how to calculate the cost of climate action. There are various scholarly articles, several models and detailed reports on the net, which can consume our endless hours. It is very complex to look at all the scenarios of reducing GHG emissions and calculating a standard cost of abatement per ton. There are various ways of abatement and also the ways the cost is being calculated, which varies from $50 to $1000 per carbon ton; No one-way can be accurate. Hence to benchmark something, we have considered the cost of abatement, based on report by 'Our world in data' and Mckinsey’s report for arriving at it. It estimates the cost to be at around 60 Euros or 66 USD per carbon-ton, which is a very conservative figure for calculating the cost of abatement. Hence a base cost of 60 Euros or 66 USD per carbon-ton can be used as a yardstick for offsetting an individual’s carbon footprint. This cost is expected to be only on the rise as we go forward, depending on the method of abatement. So, if you decide to offset your carbon footprint for last ten years and if your carbon footprint is around 100 ton per year, it works out to 60,000 Euros or 66,000 USD. And it works out to 6,000 Euros or 6,600 USD per year, going forward. Investing in a green project works better than donating it. You can track your money, to see how well it is working for the intended cause. Your investment into a cleantech, which is working on any alternative to the fossil fuels, has a spiraling impact since it would help reduce carbon emissions recurringly year after year. As an investor in startups, you don’t need to waste your time in due diligence of startups. You have a choice to ride piggyback on any angel investor. Please visit the “Retail Investors” section for details. Click below to calculate your carbon footprint. Join the tribe. Let's fight Carbon emissions, together. Global Carbon Warriors; A Tribe Of Professionals, Cleantechs & Investors
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